Earn a lot of money from your business and spend it in good deeds, it will increase your fame and you’ll become renowned.
The importance of earning money has been accepted in the Vedas. Humans should not only do the work with their own two hands, but also help other sections of society to earn money with hundreds of hands. He should invest all his talent, ability and effort to earn maximum wealth.
Now the question arises, why do all this? Should we do it for our own use? The answer is no. All the wealth and property in the world belongs to God, the Father. What we get from our business and efforts, that too belongs to God and we get it only due to his grace. God has made me a trustee of that property. We do not have the right to use more money or goods than we need to fulfill our reasonable needs. We should bring all that wealth back to the society. We should spend in acts of public interest. The money earned gives us benefits for a short time, but the fame that comes from donating gives happiness for eons. Just as we get a thousand grains, by sowing just one grain in the soil, similarly the donation given for auspicious works increases innumerable times, giving us fame and good fortune.
The scriptures clearly say about the use of money which you have earned honestly, which should be divided into 5 parts – for religion, for fame, for finance, for ourselves and for the kinsmen. The portion for religion should be separated first. Donation to religion means “secret donation”. Nobody even gets to know and this money is given to a suitable person (person) for auspicious works.
Donation for fame means to build a hospital, to build a dharamshala, to give scholarships, to plant trees, etc. People must get qualified help in accidents and catastrophes. The third part is for the finance, that is, to earn money, to increase wealth, to invest in business, to trade and to use in farming. The fourth part for themselves and the fifth for their relatives. With this money, fulfill the basic needs of food,clothes and shelter and arrange for amenities.
Thus, the importance of donation is utmost in the scriptures. Due to this, God’s blessing keep raining on us. Donation ends hostility. Donations given for public works are in everyone’s interest. Whatever amount is possible, knowledge, power, happiness, must be distributed among others. It is said that the grace of the hand is in donating.
Man has a lot to offer, man is an ocean of love, he has a garden full of flowers of laughter. Distribute them, feed yourself and keep feeding others as well. A man should earn money only with honesty and effort and should be used for noble deeds.