The ocean doesn’t need it, yet a lot of rivers join it. Likewise, vigorous men always have money. That is, a person who is diligent, honest, and hard-working, never lacks money. It has also been said, udyamena hi siddhayanti kāryāṇi na manaurathaiḥ । nahi suptasya sihasya praviśanti mukhe mṛgā’
That is, one can only achieve success in work by working hard. Thinking does not complete the task, just as the deer will not reach the lion’s sleeping mouth. For that, the lion is going to have to move, he has to kill. There’s also a phrase for money and vigilance, “puruṣa siṃha je udyamī, lakṣmī tākara cera ”
Helping others is the most sacred and lovely task in the world-“Seva Paramo Dharma”. The philosophy of collectivity is the core part of religion. The essence of working together and supporting others has brought people to the highest stage of development in the fields of education, health, culture, technology, business crafts, etc.
It is our responsibility to use our ability and skills, to nurture humanity, to support the needy, the poor, the vulnerable, to donate to social organizations engaged in hospitality and good faith. Many people think that by offering contributions we incur financial losses, but the fact is that we get a lot more by spending money on the well-being of others. As the seed is dropped into the earth, it is not lost, but in exchange several seeds are contained in one crop. Donating isn’t throwing money, it’s sowing money. The spring season happily gives leaves and plants to support us, which helps in giving rise to new leaves. So, by offering it, it never loses anything. The Scriptures also state, “Earn with a hundred hands and give with a thousand hands. One who supports others is never oppressed. Man should never be selfish in giving and sacrificing. Earn with hard work and loyalty.” Attending to one’s needs, one should spend some money working for charity as well.
The ocean has a very large amount of water and it does not use it. With the aid of the Sun it becomes steamy and offers the clouds a way to quench the thirst of the world. There is no selfishness, greed, or ambition. Yet is there ever a shortage of water? No, endless rivers fill it with water all the way. Likewise, a person engaged in goodwill and charity never needs money. This person gets help from everywhere. When the passion of philanthropy is aroused in the spirit, it increases one’s value. The feeling of lowness is lost. Grief is healed; there is regeneration of strength in the heart. The sense of restlessness is gone; the direction of one’s success is lined.
Once his gifts and skill are used in philanthropy, the grace of God continues to flood in naturally. Obstacles in the path of self-promotion tend to be replaced immediately, making it easy to reach the goal of life. All human beings should follow the path of hard work and selflessness.