The Vedas say that if a human being is proficient in the entire Vedas, but if he lacks in morality, then the Vedas will not protect him. The Vedas, as it is, abandon the vicious human beings in the same way as the all powerful new born birds abandon their nest.
The ancient sages have specially urged that whoever follows these rules continually, purifies the mind and body. By following these rules, in the end one becomes aware of his nature. But behaviourally, there seems to be a protest of the same. Those who are not virtuous, they seem to be happy and prosperous and those who follow the rules of virtue with due diligence, they are sad and poor. It is no longer a contradiction to think and try to understand religion properly.
Hinduism is distinguished on the principle of rebirth and karma(action) . Some people, who do not follow virtue but are still happy and prosperous, only have the reason for the virtue of their previous birth. Some people who are unhappy have the reason of their previous birth’s sin. The sins or virtuous deeds that will be formed in this life, they will get the result in their later lives.
There is some argument at this time that decisions of very serious questions are made by majority of people who often have no knowledge about these questions. The soul which is completely untouched by the physical body and is indistinguishable from being very subtle, if doubts arise about its existence, then how can it be eliminated by resorting to the intellect? Such doubts can only be resolved by the Vedas and by those scriptures which are based on the Vedas.
If ignorant people decide on the strength of their vast majority that this is religion, then there is no religion by their mere saying. Virtue ,is that, which is enshrined in the Vedas and scriptures, which are followed by the Sathpurusha and those who conduct such virtue makes them virtuously happy and prosperous. Conversely, there is visciousness, which is against the Vedas, and that, the virtuous abandon. Those who are engaged in such visciousness, their future is never good.
The Guru preaches to the students when they have left the group after completing their study:
atha yadi te karmavicikitsā vā vṛtavicikitsā vā syāt । ye tatra brāhmaṇāḥ sammarśinaḥ । yukta āyuktāḥ । alūkṣā dharmakāmāḥ syuḥ । yathā te tatra varteran । tathā tatra vartethāḥ ।
( taittirīyopaniṣad, anu 11 śikṣāvallī)
If you ever raise any doubt about your karma or your conduct, then if there are unprejudiced ethics of sages, of those who are experienced, independent, ethics like they have, you should follow those ethics only. If children are not allowed to have bad habits from childhood, like playing with clay balls or biting their fingernails with teeth. Children should never do this especially in front of elders. Manu (3-83 / 45) says that the family of such unethical people is destroyed. Our sages have attained the ultimate in life due to sandhya vandan and virtuousness. Similarly, we can also get the benefit of happiness, prosperity and long life by following virtue in our life. The laws of virtue are basically in the Vedas. ( Kalyan )