O God! Help foster devotion and dedication in my heart. Bless me with a healthy and happy life. Make me holy within and beyond. (Atharva Veda 6/19/2)
Humans should attempt to stay sacred and pure through and through. It is one’s goodness that harbours happiness. Virtuousness holds peace of mind, composure, prestige and truth.Consciousness, awareness, elegance, integrity, cleanliness, simplicity and virtuousnessare the manifestations of sacredness.
Purity is a spiritual quality. The soul is pure and sacred inherentlyand hence the thoughts, behaviour and intent of a soulful person are always sacred and beautiful.
Humans should always be conscious of the physical self, along with that of heart and soul. It is the purity of one’s innerself (mind) that makes him the worthiest, gentle, thoughtful and cultured of all. Purity of the inner self inspires human beings to be coherent, temperate and disciplined in life, which provides for a healthy life with longevity. His senses are stanch and sturdy. The senses are manoeuvred by your inner self, the pshyche. It is the psyche that desires for the good and the bad, the effect of which is felt by the physical body too.
In conjunction to the physical and mental purity, spirituality is indispensable, because without it man can not pull off the prime goal of life. It is the Spiritual sacredness that reveals the feeling of truth, love, devotion, compassion, generosity, benevolence, and hence confers divinity into our lives. People often have a blend of Tamogun (Immoral traits) and Rajoguna (Moral traits). Spiritual meditation aids development of ‘Satogunn’ (moral traits). Satogunn leads us to the path of humanity, makes our life distinct, eminent and enlightened. Simultaneously it also motivates us towards Satsanga (company of good), Swadhyaya (self study), Seva (service), Sanyam (patience) and Sadhana (exercitation).
Human beings need self-restraint, austerity, moral strength, and righteousness. If someone does not have all these qualities, then he is not worthy of a human life. One only gets worthy of it when he progresses intellectually, and toils for the perfection of hiscustomary character. Nothing can be achieved out of pageantry and pretence.Despite leading to adversaries, sham and hypocrisy is prevalent. People sincere in their words and deeds, are the people whose heart harbour devotion and dedication. These are the people capable of making the lives pious and pure by striping away the ‘Tamasik’ (immoral) and condescending conduct of others, by cultivating ‘Sattvikta’(virtuousness). A worthy life is attained only through such a purity and sacredness.