A person ought to exude purity mentally and exhibit it physically. The charity made from the earnings with moral means is rewarding. The gains derived from corrupt means as bribery, pilfering etc. is generally ravaging for the person and his family. (Rigveda7-56-12)
‘Dharma’ (Duty) sets the foundation stone for this world. The conduct of a person should be directed by ‘Dharma’. It is this derived righteous behaviour that rescues us when in adversity. Diminution of ‘Dharma ‘from the human world will escalate the complications nauseating the human society. In absence of virtues, happiness in it’s truest sense and form will elude us. This present, self -seeking world is getting forgetful of it’s virtues. Greed and lust is driving it away from the intrinsic worth of the moralities.
‘Dharma’ is imperative and stays resilient for the society because it thrives on the virtues like sacrifice and altruism.But some avaricious herd, seeking self interest that is only quenched by wealth, aim at creating an empire for their selfish motives by fooling the people into the guise of some ‘manufactured ‘Dharma’ of their own. Parallel to this, is a stock of altruists who recognize the worth of ‘Dharma’ and can willingly offer and forego all they have.
Raja Harishchandra, Bali, Dadhichi, MaryadaPurushottam Shri Ram and many others have made exemplary abdications and personal sacrifices to guard ‘Dharma’ and retain its virtues.
At the moment, there are people in the society robed in ochre, forehead dabbed with sandal and tilak, putting on an act of a religious Guru, and hence exploiting the religious sentiments of the people. In conjunction to this, many deceptive religious institutions are mushrooming that aim to amass wealth and are sheltering misdemeanours. Hence, side stepping such institutions and putting up your being on the grounds of the virtuous ‘Dharma’ would lead to a life that is fulfilling in all respects.
Charity, and religious rites are the means of ‘Dharma’. Being dutiful, altruist, philanthropic, truthful, and patient is the ‘Dharma’ we need to follow. A person practising this in deeds and thoughts is a true ‘Dharmatma’. A successful life is an assimilation of ‘Dharma’ day after day, that makes us virtuous in our thoughts and deeds. So, better not to get befuddled by the wealth amassed by corrupt means, a person of wisdom won’t negotiate his virtues for some immoral benefits.
Wisdom derived from ‘Satsang’ helps to develop the discretion to tell apart ‘Dharma’ from ‘Adharma’ (Iniquity). This enables even the lesser informed people to stay virtuous by employing their prudent intellect. Hence, with all the valour and devoid of bias we need to stick to the righteous path of ‘Dharma’.