Bhagwat Seva Sanstha
To envisage living beings as Bhagwad and to willfully serve them with them as much as possible., is the essence of the bhagwad dharma. In all the eighteen Puranas, God Vedavas has identified philanthropy a virtue and leashing torment a major sin.
अष्टादशपुराणेषु व्यासस्य वचनद्वयम् । परोपकारः पुण्याय पापाय परपीड़नम् ॥
aṣṭādaśapurāṇeṣu vyāsasya vacanadvayam । br> paropakāraḥ puṇyāya pāpāya parapīड़nam ॥

Inspired by this sentiment, and the blessings of Param Pujya Bhagwat Bhushan Puranacharya Pt. Shri Srinath Shastri “ShriDadaguruji” Vaidik-Pathik Bhagwatkinkar Shri Anurag Krishna Shastri “Shri Kanhaiyaji”, while looking at the interest of the sectarian devotees, called for the “Bhagwat Seva Sanstha” . The permanent trust registration was done in the metropolitan city of Kolkata under the registration Act 12C. Vaidik Pathik Bhagwatkinkar Anurag Krishna Shastri “Shri Kanhaiyaji” is the founder and president and Shri Krishna Kumarji Sharma is the secretary. One of the branches is providing services to Shri Krishna’s place in Shri dham Vrindavan. The guide and mentor of this organization Bhagwat Bhushan P. Shree Shrinathji Shastri guides us through his blessings even today. Pujya Shri Dadaguruji in 1964 had started Shrimd Bhagwat Vidyalaya, to stimulate the education of the students of the Gurukul, in this Vaidik journey to preserve and promote Sanatan Dharma. The education-sanskaar project is also being run by Bhagwat Seva Sanstha.
Vidhya Daan is said to be the best among all charities because giving food can satisfy one’s hunger, but by giving education,one can help another serve his entire family. Education and culture have their own pair. The welfare of the entire nation is with the preservation and promotion of Sanatan Vaidik education and rituals. It is rare to get the privilege of joining this sacred act by managing and carving out time of personal and family engagement.
The objectives and activities of this organization are

Arranging the study and research of the Ashraf texts, along with the deep study of Shrimad Bhagawat, recitation of Vedas, rituals, astrology, Sanskrit

Providing a platform to impart ethical education, character building and learning modern era English, Computer, Music, General knowledge simultaneous

Providing proper education to financially deprived yet competent children.

Distribution of blankets, food, clothing etc. in the winter, to the weaker sections of the society.

To arrange the feeds etc. for the impoverished Gou Mata.

Providing proper service to people affected from earthquake, landslide, hurricanes, floods and other natural disasters.

Organizing Blood Donation camps, Medical Camps for Free eye operation and optometric services etc

The Vaidik Yatra Gurukul has been operating and organizing eye camps for many years every year through this Bhagwat Seva Sanstha.)
Bhagwat Sewa Society under Shrimad Bhagwat School.
Amarnath Bharti Library also exists in full functionality in Shrimad Bhagwat Vidyalaya under Bhagwat Seva Sanstha. In the Gurukul premises there is also a cow shed named “Pt. Amarnath Brahmachari Jee Gov Seva Sadan ” where almost thirty-five (35) cows of the Sahiwal breed and the younger children of their lineage are being served. A hostel in the school premises, provides for a proper housing, food, and vestry of about fifty students.

In the premises of the Bhagwat Vidyalaya Campus, Shri Amarbharti Library was inaugurated by Sri Akhandanand ji Maharaj himself. The library is set up in the name of Bhagwat Bhushan Pt. Shri Shrinathji Shastri, and Brahmachari ji Maharaj. The inauguration was graced by saints like Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar ‘Bhaiji’ (Geeta Press, Gorakhpur), Shri Narayandas Bhaktamali “Mamaji” etc. The library of Bhagwat Vidyalaya, holds compilation of many commentaries, specimens, schools of logic, astrology and many handwritten texts such as Shrimad Bhagwat. And hence , the school started serving to the study, conservation and promotion of the holy texts.

Cow shed
Gaushala (“Gavo Vishvasya Matar:”) Bhagawat Bhushan Puranacharya Pt.Shri Shrinathji Shastri, Shri Amarnath Brahmachari ji Maharaj had as fondness and a special attachment to the service of the holy cow. He himself bought two cows to the old quarters ( which is near the Bihariji temple, a temple of Shri Ramji in the old town, which belongs to Shri Sitaramji Temple in the Lohargal shrine under Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan). Later these cows were brought to the school from home. After a while, two Shyama Gau from Kolkata joined. Gradually, this tradition continued to grow; and today there are about 35 Gau (cows) and their calves. Most of these cows belong to the Sahiwal breeds, their service considered as the service of God.

There is a hostel facility for students of Vaidik Yatra Gurukul and Shrimad Bhagawat Vidyalaya, with an arranged accommodation for 50 students. There are bed bunks for students with some separate beds too. A closet is provided to all the students, to store their necessary belongings. 24-hour electricity and fan is provided all around the year and coolers during summers.

Dining room
There is a well-managed dining area, for the Rishikumars (students), Acharya ( teachers ) and rest of the service providers, where Bal-bhog, Raj-Bhog and night-sattvik-food is served. Abiding to the ancient ‘Rishi Parampara’ of eating food after the recitals of hymns, all the people physically fit sit together on the ground (Pangat) and have the meals (Prasad).
The food is prepared by the ‘Sevadaars’ and is served by two ‘Rishikumars’. The two ‘Rishikumars’ indiscriminately selected daily also launder the dining area.

Computer room
Vaidik-Pathik Bhagwatkinkar Shri Anurag Krishna Shastri “Shri Kanhaiyaji” holds the opinion that the students of this Gurukul should not only learn Sanskrit, but also get accustomed to the modern technical education as well.
For this purpose, the Vaidik Yatra Gurukul has a computer-room for the weekly course on computer Science for the students of the Gurukul. The lab has a capacity to accommodate 15-20 students at a time.
In the curriculum of seven years this course is offered in the sixth and the final year.

The study curriculum here provides an apt mental exercise, but for the physical fitness of the ‘Rishikumars’, there is an open yard for yoga, which is scheduled every-day at 6 am.
Besides this there is a provision for other forms of sports too as indoor games like Chess, and Carom and outdoor sports like Badminton and Cricket.

The learning of music is the worship of Mata Veena-Vadini, which is a science itself. Music is a means of awakening the inner dormant strings. With this spirit in mind, there is also an organised system for imparting education of music in Vaidik Yatra Gurukul. In the seven-year curriculum the course is offered from third year onwards.
Music-training helps develop language and logic. Students constantly employ their memory to learn and perform music. This skill of memoir fostered through music is very expedient in the education of the students.

First aid room
There is also a primary medical room for the ‘Rishikumars’ and others associated with the Gurukul to provide primary treatment for medical situations.
The medication for diseases such as stomach ache, general fever, headache etc. are provided.
In case of any injuries while playing Sports etc., the treatment is promptly arranged from the first aid room.

Yajna kund
The word ‘metal’ Kund is derived from ‘kuḍirakṣaṇedhātuse’.
The Kund (reservoir) hosts ‘Ritwik’ and protects the whole world. It is the place where the Kund Agni is lit, where, with the Kush-Kundika, many ritualistic offerings are provided to the Devas. Devas are to be summoned for the havans.
The process of worshiping God by means of fire in the Kund is called Yajna. The word “Swaha” is pronounced utterly for the purpose of offering a havan. Swaha, is believed to be the wife of Agnidev.
The kund is purified with the glop of cow dung. According to the ritualistic traditions there is an edict of many types of ‘Yajna’.
Yajna Kunda can have many shapes. According to Varnashram, the shape of these kunds is determined.
There is a ‘Yajnashala’(a place to perform yajnas) in the premise of the Vaidik Yatra Gurukul, to perform havans.