Shri Bhaktamal Katha
What is the existence of God without a devotee? Devotion to the devotee is only that reveres the God. The succession of devotees of all four ages is the so called Bhaktmala. Sri Nabhadas, Maharaja is the creator of the the Shreebhaktamala Granth, which is a masterpiece. Bhaktmala Katha has many devotees displaying complete dedication and divine devotion towards God
भक्ति भक्त भगवन्त गुरु चतुर नाम बपु एक ।
इनके पद बंदन किए, नासत बिघ्न अनेक ॥
( भक्तमाल १ )
Bhakti bhakta bhagavanta guru catura nāma bapu eka ।
Inake pada baṃdana kie, nāsata bighna aneka ॥
( Bhaktamāla 1 )

The admirable feature of this text is that all the saints irrespective of the communities have been devoutly memorized with equal respect.
Surya, Kabir, Tulsi, Meera, Tajdevi etc.make up the Bhaktmala. When the devotees hear to the Katha of God, then he reciprocates by listening to theirs.
God respects his devotees than Him. Goswami Tulsidas has written:
mote saṃta adhika kara lekhā
More glory than God is of His devotees.
Drenched with knowledge, affection and devotion how the devotees have been delivered through this Bhavsagar with God braced in the love of their devotees, is the essence of Shreebhaktamala.
What does Shribhaktamal teach us?
By listening to these stories, the force of Sadhana prevails in the life of the seeker, and that seeker acquires the true goal by the grace of his Guru.
By reflecting on the the attributes and the qualities of the Bhagavadbhakts, fame and other unfulfilled desires could be attained in its truest sense. It is said to destroy the three taaps.
By listening to the Bhaktmala narrative, we find the behaviour, attributes and expressions of the devotees, who inspires us to move towards the Bhagavad Marg.
Darshan of some devotees
jñāna bhakti aura karma patha ke jaga meṁ bhakta aneka
varṇana yahām̐ para karate "śrīśa", unameṁ se kucha eka
bhaktoṁ ke sumirana se hote jaga meṁ puraṇa kāma
ina sameta saba bhaktoṁ ko hai, nita "anurāga" praṇāma

Devotee Shantulasidas
śrīrāmāyaṇa jī ke parama praṇetā, bālmīki mahārāja
kali meṃ “tulasī” rūpa padhāre, sakala sam̐vārā kāja
veda-āgama-purāṇa sammata, bhāṣābaddha karī rāmāyaṇa
dvādaśa grantha prasiddha haiṃ jinake, deva-muni-nara karate gāyana
“śrīśa” īśa hanumanta kṛpā se, jinheṃ mile prabhu rāma
aise “tulasīdāsa” ko sabakā, hai “anurāga” praṇāma

Bhaktikti mera bai
rājasthāna kī māṭī ne bhī, likhī ye ajaba kahānī thī
ika adbhuta biṭiyā meḍatā kī, banī mevāḍa mahārānī thī
gopī bhāva meṃ rahatī hara pala, “giradhara” ko pati jānī thī
giradhara ke “anurāga” raṃga meṃ, raṃgī “mīrā” divānī thī

Devotee Surdas
netra rahe nahīṃ dekha sakeṃ jo, sakala jagata ke nara aura nārī
bhāva “anurāga” ke netra se sūrā, dekhe kṛṣṇa kī līlā sārī
bālakṛṣṇa kī līlā para nita, “sūradāsa” jāyeṃ balihārī
aise bhakta kī bhakti “śrīśa”, sakala jagata meṃ sabase nyārī

sāre jahām̐ se pyārī jinako, māta – pitā kī sevā hai
mātā – pitā hī jīvana sarvasa, vahī to devī – devā haiṃ
māta – pitā kī sevā bhakti meṃ, jinakā sundara nāma hai
aise “śravaṇakumāra” bhakta ko, bhāva “anurāga” praṇāma hai

Devotee kabir
ika alhaḍa bhakta kabīra ।
spaṣṭa vāṇī meṃ gūḍha bhāva lie, śabda caleṃ jyoṃ tīra ॥
jāti pām̐ti nahīṃ jāna sake koī, aisā dharā śarīra ॥
jñānayoga kī śailī lie pada, aru “anurāga” kī pīra ॥
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