
20 May
The Ganga – India’s Lifeline

In Indian culture, the Ganges (Ganga) is considered to be the most important river because it is the life source of northern India. The Gangotri Glacier (Gaumukh) in Uttarakhand is the source of the river, which ultimately flows into the ocean through five states including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Uttarakhand. In each

20 May
Theist Atheist

We are putting a deep thought in front of you in a simple style, please pay attention to it once. Even the biggest atheist (one who does not believe in God) ultimately proves to be a theist (one who believes in God). This sentence looks impossible in itself, but it will become clear after discussion.

5 April
The Ganga – India’s lifeline

In Indian culture, the Ganges (Ganga) is considered to be the most important river because it is the life source of northern India. The Gangotri Glacier (Gaumukh) in Uttarakhand is the source of the river, which ultimately flows into the ocean through five states including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Uttarakhand. In each

20 November
Vedas are the main and most important judge of virtue

The Vedas say that if a human being is proficient in the entire Vedas, but if he lacks in morality, then the Vedas will not protect him. The Vedas, as it is, abandon the vicious human beings in the same way as the all powerful new born birds abandon their nest. The ancient sages have

9 August
The Creator of Shri Ramcharit Manas: Goswami Shri Tulsidas

God (Brahma, the ultimate supreme) and spirit exist in a unique relationship. They are never separated nor will they ever be. The spirit is embodied in various physical forms, objects that are movable and immovable, such as birds and animals, plants and trees, inland and mountains, rivers and valleys, all of which are governed by

22 July
When in life should one start worshipping?

It is often seen or heard that one should pray/worship. It’s absolutely true, but then when should it be done? Often there is a misconception in the minds of the people that why does one have to pray young? Youth is the age of playing and earning. One is young, modern, busy, and many more

6 April
Enlightenment, Essence of human life

Achieving enlightenment is the fundamental goal of human life. When did this world come into being? What is the primary cause of the substance? What is the connection between muscle and bone, flesh and blood, and so on, and how is the spirit separate from all this? Man must have knowledge of all this. (Rigveda

24 March
Follow the Path of Superiority

Actions, both good and bad, are done only by human beings. For humans; failure means ignorance. One has to gain self-power in order to achieve excellence. It is only possible to move on the right path when humans give up unethical doings. (Atharvaveda 2/11/1). Mind moves quickly towards earthly matters but; it should be separated

6 March
Overpower the mind with “self-power”

The power in the mind is infinite. It is always active even in sleeping and waking condition. It’s a form of light, but it’s still coated with detritus. So let one’s soul be auspicious and pure, this is the offering to God. (Yajurveda 4/3/1) One’s mind is a spiritual force. It is very strong and