The array of powers of God is represented in the form of the deities, but, they are all the same. (Rigveda 1/164/46)
God is all- pervading. This vast world, the space, the cosmic universe, each and every bit of the cosmos carries the enormity of God’s existence. He is the one who controls this world and keeps it going. “īśāvāsyamiṃda sarvam” – Every thing, the conscious or the inert, all within ourselves; is the abode of God. He might be unrecognizable in the physical forms but he is very much there in the form of our consciousness. When in slumber or wide awake, deep inside or out there, all around us, he is there ; yet unperceived. Just the way ghee (butter) is withheld in milk, so is he hidden from the mortal view. Going from the niches of the world and stretching even beyond the living creatures, be it birds, animal or any life form, every bit is pronounced by him. He holds no prejudice, and is indiscriminate for all.
It is this infinite spirit that is mighty and powerful beyond limits, which is revered under names uncountable by cultures known and unknown.The nurturer of all human beings is just him. He is Indra, he is Varuna, also Agni and Yama. Name him as Ram, identify him as Krishna, label him as Durga or Kali, discover him in Shiva or Shankar, or simply call him Allah or Lord, he is very much existing under all the names. To live by the words of God, acquitting and conducting ourselves according to him, is ideally worshipping him. Working along these lines of observances and practices, these qualities become evidently a part of human disposition, which escalates him to fineness and brilliance.
It is foolish to split him under different names and brew hostility against each other. ” ekaṃ sadviprā bahudhā vadanti” There is only one supreme being, with many names to call from. Call him by any name, but; make sure to infuse his demeanour with yours.
We mortals, generally deem that all the immoral deeds being done by us is known to none. But; Nothing stays concealed from the spectacle of the ‘All Knowing’. He is ever present and pervasive, we need to adhere to him and his qualities, for just the right life.
There is only one supreme being, with many names to call from. Call him by any name, but; make sure to infuse his demeanour with yours.
We mortals, generally deem that all the immoral deeds being done by us is known to none. But; Nothing stays concealed from the spectacle of the ‘All Knowing’. He is ever present and pervasive, we need to adhere to him and his qualities, for just the right life.