God has provided everyone in this world with a prospect for longevity. But men in this day and age are impairing it with an improper diet. Adhering to discipline, to live our full span of life is the foremost duty of all. (Rigveda 10/18/6)
This would be an achievement unmatched to stay healthy, stay benefiting to the society, and lead a prosperous life for 100 years given to the human life span. Our life is very priceless and important; it should not be wasted in iniquity. Therefore, one should desist transgressions and aspire to be upright and honest. This leads to a life of endurance and fulfilment.
Every person should be accelerated for an exceptional, prosperous and a distinguished life. He should always work in the interest of the society, which ought to be self-motivated by his virtues. As the Sun, the Moon, and the wind (Pawana) are rejoiced to serve the world selflessly, so should we act to serve the society. Never indulge in an act that would lead to obscurity. Abstaining from immoralities and delivering yourself from the human flaws is the way as it should be, for a life that is the noblest of all. There are people who do well in their materialistic lives, but; are generally depressed and disturbed deep within, so we should act prudent to get the best of this life.
We must subject our selves to regular introspections. And when critically analysing ourselves we should be self-sufficient and honest to pick up to the conclusions for a magnificent life.
To be the finest of all, man needs knowledge, will power, mental and physical health that is paramount. A person who is ascholar, erudite, virtuous, philanthropist and liberal is the one who can scale astronomical heights amongst the fellow beings. With this as a starting point he can dare to cultivate attributes that are exquisite. Divinity emanates from intrinsic worth which beyond doubt leads to happiness,bliss and amplified consciousness. His personality is honed under the influence of compassion, love, kindness, generosity, goodness, dignity and modesty.He is valued for being inimitable, incomparable and being the fore runner of the society. This is instrumental to achieving longevity. Along these lines of diet and deedsone can ascertain a long and a fulfilling life.