We do not reap any real benefit from humming any religious texts, Vedantic chants or textbooks, lest we put the wisdom inscribed in these texts in our lives (Rigveda 1/22/19).
There’s a story from the student life of DharmarajYudhishthira. Once a Guru (teacher) taught all the students a mantra ; “satyaṃ vada, dharmaṃ cara, svādhyāyānmā pramadaḥ.” He asked them to memorize it, which was supposed to be asked the next day. The following day, all the students but Yudhishtirwere able to recite the hymn well. When asked he said- ‘I do not remember this mantra.’ Four or five days went by, when suddenly he himself told his Acharya (teacher) that – ‘I have now finally learned the mantra.’ It was a great surprise for all as he took so long to remember this little mantra. On asking, he told that it took him days to assimilate this mantra and now that he has done it he has learnt it for his life time.The mantra proposes to be truthful, follow the code and be righteous while performing duties and never stop stop self-learning.
It was a great surprise for all as he took so long to remember this little mantra. On asking, he told that it took him days to assimilate this mantra and now that he has done it he has learnt it for his life time.The mantra proposes to be truthful, follow the code and be righteous while performing duties and never stop stop self-learning.
It is the essence of Indian culture that any mantra, hymns or text is not supposed to be memorized and recited, instead should be absorbed by adopting it in practice. True knowledge is derived from an eminently benevolent act.Any thing that lodges and propagates ego, deceit, apathy, or pilfering stands for a complete absence of knowledge and wisdom. Real knowledge makes you cognisant of the ignorance within you, makes you humble, captivates you and leaves you completely spell bound. If it does not manifest in your life, does not make every realm of your life beautiful, noble and unblemished, how can that knowledge be?
In this day and age, true wisdom is being ridiculed by some. Truth, nonviolence, honesty is often going to end up in books and lectures. People who are untrue and forceful in practical life are deemed to be more successful. This skewed perception is the root cause of human misery. Pretence and deceit are the reasons of self – deceit.
Providing that there is no coordination between JnanYog and Karma Yoga, success and happiness in it’s truest form is not viable in one’s life. This could be accomplished only by ‘Vidyadhyana’ which is studying Vedas, Puranas and other texts, absorbing its wisdom to the inner most core our hearts, and fine-tuning our conduct according to it. Humanising the conduct as mentioned, with utmost sincerity leads to the creation of a noble and adored character.