Do not languor if aspiring to have a prosperous life. Do not wink off self study when aspiring for a greater knowledge. The lessons learned in life, read from the books, learnt from the Gurus, gather all of them and employ it to your work. Reading, comprehending and assimilating it in to your life is the true utility of the knowledge gained. Be dutiful to your elders and the Almighty and never let your sense of duty be mired. A person rises to the pinnacles of devotion only and only when he’s virtuous.
If a person has been devout for a long time, his piety gets distinctive. The same applies to health. If a person’s diet and routine is methodical,it makes himrobust and spirited. The rules for a devotee is alike, you have to engage into the acts of devotion and worship everyday, abide by the rules and do not lazy out. Languor is a major setback as it intensifies problems, fosters negligence and eventually obstructs the growth of the individual.
Yajnaik Karma should be performed along with the service to others, without falling out of the schedule.Donate a share of your earnings to some noble cause. At least for a single day engage yourself into Bhagwad services. Serve a shrine, mop a temple. Offer your services to the hospitals and serve the poor and the afflicted. Donating money is holy but serving some one yourself is holier. There is nothing more sacred and devout than serving humanity. Serving others purifies body, donation purifies earnings, devotion sanctifies the soul and hence the person prospers.
We are busy doing things for ourselves but an act of empathy or charity stays neglected. When a person is remising acts of charity and God, that is the moment when he gets susceptible to committing mistakes.
Stay respectful to the elders and imbibe good virtues. The person who respects elders enjoys longevity. The elderly guide us with the wisdom reaped from their life long experiences, and bless us for a long and fulfilling life. It is believed, when an elder blesses someone by placing their palm on their forehead, their ‘Saatvik’ sentiments gets conveyed as vibes thus leading to longevity. And so, respecting your elders provides you prosperity and peace of mind at the same time.
Parents and Guru are no less than deities. Never ever insult or belittle your parents and elders, respect them, be the reason for their happiness. Aim for a virtuous life, as it builds up your life here and beyond. When you are respectful to the elders and affectionate to the younger,that is when you get up and coming.