God is infinite and eternal, nothing seems mysterious once you get to know him. Articulating the afore said, Lord Shri Krishna revealed to Arjuna- “Arjuna! You are my most beloved, I say for your own sake, listen”.The deity nor the Maharishis know of my manifestations in entirety because they too arise from me. Despite their divine origin the Gods, the humans, all the other life forms as well as the inert forms, do not know my origin. It is difficult for them even to behold a sight of me.Only those who comprehend me as the one who is unborn, and eternalare the people, who will be free of all the worldly sins. All the real and unreal comes into being from me.
Saptarshi, Sankadik, Kumar and Manu, all of these are born of my core and are always devoutto me. The one who gets acquainted to this idealives through the blissful state of devotion. I am the sole origin of the world and the sap of life in the world. With faith in this revelation, the aficionados find a safe haven in me.”
“It is imperative to realize that everyone is divine and derive all the verve from the God himself. When the origin of one and all, is sited in God the end ought to rest in him.The sole purpose of the believer should be to arrive to the divine self. My grandeur is interminable, I am vast and infinite. I am the beginning, the vigour and the end of all the life, and I exist in to the living beings as their life force, the soul.”
“The established tenet reveals thatwhat makes up the beginning and the end of the mortals is what flanks it too. By the same token goes the divine principle,that what originates from GOD finally rests into it. Amidst the beginning and the end, with varying attributes, conducts and endeavours there are diverse manifestation of the divine, that again are entitled to me.“
“I am the font of all. There is nothing devoid of me, be ita creature, a conscious or an inert entity. You can perceive me in one and all when sought with utmost consciousness. With utmost certainty of my existence in all, the believer should envisage God. There is no end to my divine glory, I am infinite, and so are my ‘vibhutis’, eternal. God is infinite, immense and extreme. There is no end to the faculties of the one who created the cosmos; therefore, it is prudent to take hold of my distinct manifested qualities, deliberate and eventually venerate it.”