People who are virtuous and can help refine the conduct of others,prove to be earnest companions as they help abstaining mental flimsiness of self, as well as of others. (Yajurveda 35/11)
Easier said than done, to assist others in developing an unblemished character we need to undergo a phase of metamorphosis to develop a character that is singular and out of the ordinary. The moral fibre hence acquired would be capable of perfecting and rescuing others from further deterioration of character.
A single flaring lamp can set alight the other unlit lamps, but; millions of unlit lamps despite their number are incapable of lighting even a single lamp.
Thus, akin a lit lamp a truly enlightened person too irradiates the life of countless people around them. They can steer them to the life’s righteous avenues and can help revitalize their lives.
Contrary, a person battling a conflict himself, what can he do to pacify others in a strife? How can a person restful in ignorance can help satiate yearnings of knowledge? By what means a person incapable of swimming can train someone to swim? And, as the saying goes ‘An ounce of example is better than a ton of percept.’, ……practise peace before preaching it. Before imparting knowledge and commanding sincerity, imbibing and practising it with utmost honesty is vital.The knowledge that has sunk in will soon gravitate others to you for it.
Here after, it is imperative to cultivate a virtuous character that is exemplified by rectitude, authenticity, and integrity. To reap such a character of eminence we need to repudiate languor and inadvertence and acknowledge and practise altruism, morality, virtue, and courtesy. Be majestic and lively. Be the change you want to see in the society, and soon you will find people being the enthusiast of the change and living it out.This is a process that negates the malice and strengthens benevolence in the society.
Don’t go astray, set your self on the course of enlightenment and stay generous with the wisdom acquired as it would help others in metamorphosing. Person capable of doing this are not just victors but spiritual alchemists.
Just as a flame can blaze a fire, life creates life, affection induces love, similarly a feeling of antagonism can unleash extreme hatred, and hence, the massive significance of a virtuous company.